The Dog

[Author's Note: This is a tripartite triolet based on the painting Peasant Wedding by Peter Bruegel the Elder. It's about the dog on the right side of the painting.]

At the wedding, the dog sits under the tables,
Hungry and excited and looking for attention
It is the member of a popular fable:
“At the wedding, the dog sits under the table,
Always ready, always able,
Awaiting a bit of crust’s descension.
At the wedding, the dog sits under the table,
Hungry and excited and looking for attention.”

There it sits, growling, whining,
Wishing solely to be fed.
Like a dog, it’s constantly pining,
There it sits, growling, whining,
Beady dog eyes always shining,
Up until it’s dead.
There it sits, growling, whining,
Wishing solely to be fed.

That it likes people, to lick their hands,
To sniff them, to know them
Shows that from many, it demands
That it likes people, to lick their hands,
Or lay about in the floor’s sands,
To haw or to hem
That it likes people, to lick their hands,
To sniff them, to know them.


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