Jacob's JAPH

[Author's Note: A JAPH is a practice among Perl programmers where they write a bit of code that outputs "Just another Perl hacker," (comma included). Additionally, there's a practice among Perl programmers known as Perl Poetry, in which one writes a readable and poetical bit of Perl that does something. I combined both of these concepts]

my $name = "Pearl";
tell; $me = "it"; time;
sub another { $night=shift; for ($me) {

$tonight = $night;
print $tonight; }
print shift for ($me, $tonight); }

my $judge = "Just ";
$another = "another ";
$name =~ s/a//g;

another $judge, $another, $name;
$another =~ tr/a-z / "then kicks had racecars",/;
another $another;


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